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Help with getting rid of sand burrs (Grass Burrs)



wilburn cox

I have four acres near Stephenville TX (Central Texas) and about 3 acres is infested heavily with grass burrs. I have used Balan granuals the past two years as pre-emergent and still have lots of burrs. I have (on hand) 2.5 gallons of MSMA Target 6 Plus and will be spraying the area with this in a few days as a Post emergent.
If anyone has suggestions I would sincerely appreciate your help. The soil is a sandy loam mix and what grass I have is bermuda.
Thanks in advance and have a fantastic day.
Red Cox




Sandburrs are tough to keep gone. One application of premergeant has never got rid of them as far as I have seen. As many apps in one season as is allowed is more like it and start early at that. Several years of premergeant apps will be needed. If MSMA is legal to use in Texas then it may help keep sandburs down. The best success I know of is premergeant early and again later with Dimension, lots of fertilizer and grass mowed as high as possible.



wilburn cox

Sandburrs are tough to keep gone. One application of premergeant has never got rid of them as far as I have seen. As many apps in one season as is allowed is more like it and start early at that. Several years of premergeant apps will be needed. If MSMA is legal to use in Texas then it may help keep sandburs down. The best success I know of is premergeant early and again later with Dimension, lots of fertilizer and grass mowed as high as possible.
thanks, Possum; I will try your suggestion. I used MSMA when we lived near Burleson TX and it was great but I think the EPA had it taken off the market. Will search it out. Have a fantastic day.
Red cox




One way to get rid of them and it will sound crazy is to drag a bunch of tote sacks behind your tractor/mower/ATV ect to collect as many as the seed pods as possible. Keep turn the bags around, inside out till you have used them up then burn em to kill off the seeds you collected. You might have to do this several times each year for a couple of years to reduce the amount of sand burrs growing in your field. Pre-emergents will help also.

Check out this link to see what I am talking about: http://ktrh.iheart.com/articles/gar...0/grass-burrs-burr-grass-sand-spurs-12085875/

Good luck and I HATE those things, have em at our farm in East Texas
