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Gemini 771 help




working on 616 s/n 5117996, I replaced a weak left side hydro (771-125) with a used newer (771-099) from a 618, the replacement motor minus final drive was set up for a remote oil reservoir , so I took the top cap off of the -125 and put it on the -099 since it has the top mounted reservoir and install the bottom plug , I than installed the final drive, reinstalled unit and filled with grasshopper hydro fluid and let the air work out, I started mower and ran hydro forward and reverse for about 1 minute each way , no more air coming out the bleeder but fluid has air bubbles and I have no movement in the final drive ????? help please




I used Grasshoppers "ask a tech" support page, A tech guy by the name of Dick called me at home about 1 hour later, He verified that I had an air issue, he told me how to fix it , an hour after the phone call I was mowing grass, Thanks Grasshopper




Dick has also helped me out. How did you get the air out? - jack up mower & run?
