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Drive Wheel on Husquavana Zero Turn




The drive wheel on my 48" zero turn Husky tears up the lawn. I try to make turns as slow as possible to avoid this but even that doesn't work. Does this more on right turns then left turns. Anyone have any idea what I can do?




Quit doing zero turns it is the most destructive way to turn. Do a 3 point turn instead. Mow till out of grass then turn the direction of next row of grass making an L pattern. Stop the back up turning the other way then stop. Now go forwaed turning to meet unmowed grass. This when done correctly will stop you from tearing up your grass.




They also fit cheap square edged tyres on them so you can replace them with soft rounded edge tyres ( not cheap ) or try dropping the tyre pressure.
When you turn, come to complete stop before you pull any lever into reverse
