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Does the Honda HRX series bag well?




I have an older Honda HRR216SDA that is a great machine. I have been going a little overboard with my lawn this past year and my Bermuda lawn is too thick for this mowers power. I mow often and I'm wanting to mow the Bermuda at about 1.25-1.5" and the 160cc Honda just can't do it. So I'm assuming the HRX series with the 190cc engine would be the extra power I need for it. I'm just wanting it to bag really well and have that carpet look. Anyone have bagging experience with thick Bermuda grass with the HRX line?




I've never mowed Bermuda so I can't give that answer but the HRX217 bags very well in general. I can roll up just to the right of leaves and watch them get sucked up into the blades and the bag. It mulches great too.




Thanks Mike. I picked up the mower this past weekend. So far so good. I might share a post or something after using a little more. It did bag nicely though.
