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Clock wise or Counter clockwise??




With most mowers discharging to the right...
Do you mow CCW with the discharge going onto the mowed grass OR do you mow CW so you are shooting cut grass into the uncut grass?

I always re-cut by going CW, regardless of the height of the grass...
And in the fall, with leaves they just disappear...

Just wondering how you cut it? :smile:KennyV




Doesn't it depend on whether you are right or left handed? Someone also once told me that if you mow in Australia you will find it difficult to mow clockwise because of the pull of gravity!




Someone also once told me that if you mow in Australia you will find it difficult to mow clockwise because of the pull of gravity!

I find this very amusing. That would mean that it's difficult to mow counter clockwise in Europe for the same reason. :laughing:

I mow with a grass collecting box on so I don't mulch directly but the cut grass goes into my composting bin.




Well I like to have the cut grass go onto the uncut part. That way I can mulch the cut grass twice. Or at least that is my thinking. I find if I do it the other way, and the grass is long, I have an issue will cut grass laying around on top of the cut grass. Where I live, if it rains, the grass just shoots up so fast, it is impossible to keep it short between mowing.



Mac 624

Depends on the area we are working at. The back discharching makes it possible to mow in each direction and with the Klippo mulcher it does not matter. We only had one mower, which run counter clockwise. It was a Solo which discharged to the left side! Never have seen such before and after we have sold it. Even I do not know the reason why they did so.




a Solo which discharged to the left side! Never have seen such before and after we have sold it. Even I do not know the reason why they did so.

The OLD Allis Chalmers mowers, made in the 60's and 70's were left side discharge... They were the only odd side riders I can recall ever seeing...
They were good mowers, just different... :smile:KennyV




CCW ... cutting it once is enough




depends on how much cold beer is left in the cooler..




I quite often start on a diagonal in the middle and work my way out throwing cut grass onto uncut grass - at the outsides it goes into the woods. :biggrin:




I always mow my lawn twice (it's a relatively small lawn) and I mow it each way at 45 degree angles so I guess it really doesn't matter whether I blow the cut grass to the inside or outside.




The first time I throw it into the cut grass. When I cross cut it, I throw it into rows to make it easier to collect.

It also depends on how long and wet the grass is.




clockwise when I dont mulch. I mulch most of the time... if the grass is thick and too long then ccw, with the expectation once I cut it down to size, I will go over it again.




Kenny, thats the way to grind leaves as far as i am concerned. And the way to grind the grass clippings up good as well. In eight years I have had several people stop and tell me I should be going the other way. young folks seem to think anyone over the age of 50 need advice. Last year I had several young fellows tell me something was wrong with my mower while mowing with my old Lawnboy.




Kenny, thats the way to grind leaves as far as i am concerned. And the way to grind the grass clippings up good as well.

Your right...
You can accomplish a perfect mulching without doing anything to a side discharge mower... Just keep discharging clippings onto the grass you will be mowing on the next pass. That works great & is easier on deck than trying to contain all the cut grass under the deck.

I know what you are saying about those with ?? advice, makes you wonder sometimes where some folks get their ideas... but it's still good to hear everyone's ideas... Every now and then, a uniquely good one will cross your path...
Keep mowing. :smile:KennyV
