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Bronco - where does this cable attach?




I'm trying to revive a 2005 Broncomodel 13AJ609G766. While replacing the tires (which is no easy feat to remove the old ones!), I noticed this cable just sitting on the mowing deck on the right side, beside the last pulley at the discharge chute. It rotates easily in a circle, but I cannot find a place where it should attach. The end is a round hole that looks like it should slide over a bolt somewhere, but I cannot find one.
I've checked the diagrams for the deck, but cannot find the cable. Anyone know what it is, where it goes, what it does?
Picture #1 is taken from under the brake pedal. #2 is taken from the discharge chute. #3 is taken from the back tire.
Thanks for your help!




OK it looks like it is a 2004 not a 2005 and the B in this diagram

Connects to the B in this diagram




OK it looks like it is a 2004 not a 2005 and the B in this diagram

Connects to the B in this diagram

That's it!
I couldn't find it on the 2005 diagram here:

Thank you so much!!!
