About to join the Cub Club

Sammy the Red

Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2011

Thanks for digging this old thread up. I need to take a few pics as a follow up.

I'm afraid that your comment is just one of those uninformed biases based on some opinion that you follow as the gospel though.

After owning the Tank for a while, it is far and above the Scag. Shall I list out the reasons, or would I be wasting bandwidth on a troll?

We will end this with a story of a Scag. My buddy has a Scag Freedom. If I were to drum up an idiotic bias against a mower, we will start there.

There may be some poorly made Cub Cadets out there, but there are plenty of well made ones as well.

Chev, you are welcome....... I have no problem digging up an old thread or two if it helps with the misconceptions that some low end mower owners have.

I thought you were referring to a Turf Tiger, thus my comment. Seems you had a Tiger Cub.

Most mower manufacture make a cheapo mower line for the masses. All John Deeres are not of the same quality just because they carry the John Deere name and are painted green. Same is true with eXmark, Scag and others. Low end is low end no matter who makes it.

Now, to compare the top of the line of a Cub Cadet to a eXmark or Scag top of the line..... there is no comparison !