How Start A little lawn mowing buisness


Forum Newbie
May 14, 2012
I am only in HS and i was wondering if you guys could give me some tips for starting i have handed out flyers and i have my own mower but what do i do now?
Jun 8, 2012
I am just like you! I had the same problems, but now I have a thriving business. I handed out flyers, and I also got a yard sign to put up in the front yard. It really helps because I live on the main street in our neighborhood. I started by mowing a lawn, and then it just grew to two, and then word-of-mouth increased it a lot. I have many permanent customers, and around this time I get more people who go on vacation. I also rake and shovel, and I would recommend doing all you could because if you do one of those things they might like your work and want you to mow. Or the flip side. The goal is to advertise. Even if you don't have a lot of money, advertise, advertise, advertise. If you don't do THAT, you won't get the customers and the money. I also have a website, and on my yard sign and flyers I put my email, so when people email me I put my website down at the bottom so they will hopefully check out the other services I do. If you have any other questions, I will be glad to help!


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2011
The old standard; a good job that people can rely on at a reasonable price. Also, get to know lawn care, especially for the grasses in your area, and you can sell value-added services like fertilizing, aerating, thatching, etc. If its obvious you know what you're doing, people will jump on the bandwagon fairly quickly. Good luck in your new endeavour, word-of-mouth will be a big ally.:thumbsup:


May 1, 2012
As mentioned,advertise.
When i was 10-14 living on army bases in housing my friend and I would simply take our lawnmower and gascan and walk down the street.
Knock on every door and ask.
Luckily on bases people loved to give the kids something to do.
You have an advantage as a younger guy,people will let you mow simply to help a kid who is trying.
If you don't have one,think of a goal to tell people your working towards.
If a kid walked up to my door right now and said he wanted to earn X amount toatch for a car or school trip or something productive I would go out of my way to find something around the yard he can do for the spare $10-20 i have in my pocket.

Work the "young kid just trying to achieve a goal and stay outta trouble angle"

A local kid posted on a facebook sales page at beginning of summer "just need to earn some money,will work for $3hr and do anything"
He got a bunch of jobs right off the bat,and everybody paid him more than $3.
We waited first to see how hard he worked,then when we saw he was a hard worker paid him what he was worth.

Just some ideas,word of mouth is best advertising.
Tell people you mow that if they reccomend you to someone and you get the job they will get $5-$10 off next service.