Briggs Intek Carb


Forum Newbie
May 27, 2018
Like so many, I joined to research and troubleshoot a mower. I recently bought a Simplicity Coronet. It’s a 2012 or 2013 30” with single blade and a 14.5 B&S Intek engine with hydrostatic transmission. The previous owner had purchased and then passed away after 3 cuttings. Owners son says about 5 hours on unit and I believe it. It is pristine and even has the nubbins on the tires. Unfortunately it sat in the son’s rented storage building for approximately 4 years. He said the battery was dead and bought a new one for it just before I bought it. Sticker on battery confirms this. Ran when bought it and after an hour and a half trip home and waiting till next morning to unload, it wouldn’t start. Battery appeared dead. I figured new battery, off the shelf and was never charged. Charged it and when I cranked it, it blew gas out exhaust. It did fire up and run and cleared the gas, but I shut off quickly. Yeah, smelled like gas in the oil. Changed oil, filter and plug. Put gas in it and she runs and cut like a champ. I start doing maintenance like greasing and checking blade level (which it was not) and put more gas in. Turned the key and nothing. Just clicking. Put back on battery tender and it charges it full in no time. Battery was not dead. Now I notice leaking gas like a faucet. Dry everything and place sorbet pads at various locations to find where leaking. Bottom half of carb soaking wet and dripping gas. Going to take tolocal dealer to have carb probably rebuilt and varnish removed from bowl from sitting. My question: There is an electrical connection going to the bottom of the float bowl on the carb. Is there a sensor that will not let it crank if the bowl is too full?

MSRP on this unit was $2999. Original owner paid $2499 I bought for $700 figuring storage may have taken its toll and I may have to throw a few more dollars at it. These appear to be very good units. Even Snapper sold it under their label.

Any insight is appreciated. SORRY for LOOONG first post......


Lawn Addict
Jun 12, 2012
I would say want you have on the bottom of the carb is a fuel solenoid. which maybe bad and that's why you have flooding in the engine. have it check out, or the carb look at.


Lawn Royalty
Mar 11, 2012
I’m betting if the solenoid is good your float needle is not closing, allowing gas to run straight through the carb. You will need to pull the carb, clean it and replace the float needle and seat.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
I would say want you have on the bottom of the carb is a fuel solenoid. which maybe bad and that's why you have flooding in the engine. have it check out, or the carb look at.

The fuel solenoid does nothing other than to block off the main jet so fuel supply to the engine is cut off.
Flooding is caused by the float not cutting off the fuel to the bowl.
The bowl has a vent to let air in so that the fuel can get out and that is where it is leaking from.
Go to for complete instruction on cleaning the carb, it will be varnished / gummed up.
You will most likely need a rebuild kit and when you get that get an in line fuel tap & fit it as the first thing after the fuel tank so you can then turn it off when the mower is not in use and also to service the filter, pump & carb.
Check the oil level if it is high or smells like fuel then change it, run the mower for 10 minutes and change it again & the filter.
As for the power problem, check the battery voltage, mower off and battery voltage engine running, running must be higher then engine off & must be at least 12.5 and prefferably 13 V or higher.

While in storage the terminals have most likely corroded a little so get a can of contact cleaner, unplug everything, give the terminals a good spray, plug in & unplug a few times.. then another spray & replug.