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Jun 5, 2017
By doing so, while you are keeping the brain healthy and youthful, you are also helping yourself along the path of longevity Sylvia Banish writes articles relating to family problems, motivational topics, entertaining, travel and ideas injuries For a lot of any of these topics, go to her sites listed below She has recently published her first non-fiction book entitled "Rollercoaster Ride With Brain Injury (For Loved Ones)" and her first fiction novel entitled "His Sins", a three generation family saga To have a appropriate ideas, you must drink lots of normal water, have a appropriate pH stability in the individual body, avoid and remove toxic wastes around the brain barrier, Focused In Brain eat the appropriate nutritional value, exercise, and have a good psychological attitude The psychological capabilities are composed of 85% normal water A small reduction in the quantity of normal water a person drinks quickly impacts the brain First, the blood vessels needs normal water to carry the appropriate nutritional value to the brain Lack of normal water also prevents the individual body and ideas from being able to rid itself of wastes and harmful toxins The ideas relies on normal water and the nutritional value carried by it to operate and have power A chronic lack of normal water can even cause the brain to shrink in size Studies have linked chronic lack of fluids and the toxic buildup of metals around the brain to depressive problems, Alzheimer's illness, Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD), stress, and other anxious problems Fortunately, there are factors you can do not only to prevent these circumstances and illnesses, but also to help remove harmful metals and other harmful toxins already surrounding the brain Maintain a appropriate pH stability