the seat on my MTD riding mower is totally wrecked from age, how do i replace it?


Forum Newbie
May 15, 2017
  • / the seat on my MTD riding mower is totally wrecked from age, how do i replace it?
i am a brand new member as of may 15, 2017. my 1992 or so MTD rider made for Hechingers has a very worn out seat. i checked with the retail and online sources and found that a new one is $150. does anyone know where i can get a seat that would work? obviously, the mower is a little old but my daughter just ran it through a series of checks and repairs that have her astonished at its quality.

the only problem i ever had is transferring from forward to reverse so i just mow in a circle. the only time i need to go in reverse is if i hit a fencepost or a tree. when that happens, i just turn it off, go get the digging bar and pry it off the obstacle. my daughter had the same problem going from one to the other and since she is a total mechanical genius i guess it isn't just me. (she built a pickup truck that was featured in a magazine about custom chevy cars)

i would appreciate any suggestions for the seat, the pictures tell the whole story.

having lost this entire thing yesterday, i am not going to risk adding the photo here. will try that separately.april-may 2017 027.JPGapril-may 2017 026.JPG
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Lawn Pro
Feb 15, 2015
  • / the seat on my MTD riding mower is totally wrecked from age, how do i replace it?
i am a brand new member as of may 15, 2017. my 1992 or so MTD rider made for Hechingers has a very worn out seat. i checked with the retail and online sources and found that a new one is $150. does anyone know where i can get a seat that would work? obviously, the mower is a little old but my daughter just ran it through a series of checks and repairs that have her astonished at its quality.

the only problem i ever had is transferring from forward to reverse so i just mow in a circle. the only time i need to go in reverse is if i hit a fencepost or a tree. when that happens, i just turn it off, go get the digging bar and pry it off the obstacle. my daughter had the same problem going from one to the other and since she is a total mechanical genius i guess it isn't just me. (she built a pickup truck that was featured in a magazine about custom chevy cars)

i would appreciate any suggestions for the seat, the pictures tell the whole story.

having lost this entire thing yesterday, i am not going to risk adding the photo here. will try that separately.View attachment 32249View attachment 32250

You might find something here to your liking.. I have never had a problem with the Transaxle I purchased here and THEY will help you with questions over the phone ..!! Always getting in new items ,so get a catalog and on their mailing list ...

click on this link ...


Forum Newbie
May 15, 2017
  • / the seat on my MTD riding mower is totally wrecked from age, how do i replace it?
You might find something here to your liking.. I have never had a problem with the Transaxle I purchased here and THEY will help you with questions over the phone ..!! Always getting in new items ,so get a catalog and on their mailing list ...

click on this link ...

thank you for your prompt reply. i do not know where my photos went, they showed up on my original post.

i tried the link but after 7 minutes of watching a circle go around, i quit.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2014
  • / the seat on my MTD riding mower is totally wrecked from age, how do i replace it?
I must say you handle was hard to type as you Ladies are not old, just aged like a fine wine. OK enough of that. You pictures come through just fine and the link that Boobalo posted worked for me. You might try just typing in the address he posted into your favorite search engine and try that. Also if you have any GOOD farm supply houses in your area you might look there. Northern Tools, Harbor Fright, Tractor Supply all may have a seat that will work for you. All else failing that seat is prime for a roll or two of duct tape. :smile:

Post more pictures once you get the seat fixed, taped up or replaced.



Forum Newbie
May 15, 2017
  • / the seat on my MTD riding mower is totally wrecked from age, how do i replace it?
thank you, tom. i used gorilla tape on the seat the first time i tried to fix it. was stuck on the mower for a long time trying to get the gorilla to let go of my jeans. you can see the scars from the tape on the picture of just the seat. score,me one, gorilla zero.

all of those stores are in the area and i will try the website first.


Lawn Pro
May 23, 2011
  • / the seat on my MTD riding mower is totally wrecked from age, how do i replace it?
Any universal seat will do. Sometimes you just have to drill some new mounting holes. As I recall the seat switch isn't made into the seat on the MTD's.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
  • / the seat on my MTD riding mower is totally wrecked from age, how do i replace it?
The Surplues center had spme really cheap.
I just bought 20 of them.
You will have to drill a new mounting hole in the plate to fit your mower.
For now stick some more Gorilla tape on the seat then pull an old T shirt over the seat as a seat cover.
Skivies are better cause you can use the arms to tie them on.
Other than that, boating shope usually have a good range of budget seats that are waterproof .
I have been fitting them for a long time with great success and as most have drain holes they don't give you fishermans bum after being left out in the rain.
Cheapest is the chair bit from those plastic chairs with steel legs.