Red flag threat warning received for Lawnmower Forum


Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
For the first time I just received a threat warning .this as an UNSAFE site. Complete with danger to personal info, financials etc etc. I am running Win10/IE with no other security. This warning returned me to "home." Real or not a problem.....? ADMINISTRATORS PLEASE COMMENT


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
If you are surfing the web using a Microsloth product with no external security then you are an absolute fool and a big contributor to internet fraud.
Even the Evil Empire allows you to configure your computer to multi user mode and has some ( not really effective ) parental controls to allow children to use their parents computer without damage to data or softwear.
As a minimum you should be using an EXTERNAL firewall on an EXTERNAL modem/ router after you have CHANGED THE ROUTER PASSWORD.

It is very easy to make a new user account .
Set it up as an administrator / owners ( whatever Microsloth call the master account ) complete with a stupid name with some non alphabetical characters in it ( ~!@#$%^"+=) use a strong password that is easy to remember like the lisense plate numbers and model numbers of your last 2 vehicles. Do not use this account except when you install new applications.

Once you have done this change the status of your current account to a child and apply parental control to it.
This will not stop people stealing your details, data & identity but it will stop them loading malwear into your computer and deleting/destroying your data.

This site ( or the web host ) has been hacked.
Vietnameese hackers are pinching the identity of genuine users, changing the members name then use this connection to post spam, I am sure you have seen it.

Surfing without protection is like walking blindfolded across a busy interstate and expecting the police to ensure you get to the other side safely .


Lawn Addict
Aug 11, 2011
Most responses on this forum have a ring of civility to them. Yours does not and is unfortunately not the first time . Your response is thinly veiled frustration or misery. While many of your comments are constructive this one is not because of its superior and vindictive air. Perhaps you should take a vacation or run for public office? Or perhaps establish your own web site.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
Sorry if you find cold hard truths offensive.
Trained as an engineer not a politican so cold hard facts are cold hard facts and get stated as such.
Add to that is the Aust culture of being plain talking with out fake contrived politeness.

And I do run a couple of web sites and my sites have never been hacked because I take security very seriously.
I also require people connected to them to take computer security seriously and if their computers are not configured properly the server will not handshake.
The internet is not a safe place.
Even worse it is annonomous just like in big crowds where people can get away with doing horrid things because it is hard to identify them amongst the others.

People who leave their computers wide open to hacking create the enviroment for criminals to prosper and are a prime cause of a lot of crime.
You would not leave your house with the front door wide open
You would not leave your car sitting in the street with the doors wide open
You would not leave a firearm sitting on the wall in plain site loaded and cocked.
Yet you leave your computer sitting wide open, engine running and expect others to protect you from harm.

How would you describe that ?

And to top that I did go to the effort of explaining to you how to do some very basic and free computer protection which is of zero benefit to me but may save you from a lot of harm is not just grief.
So you might like to have a little think about your attitude


Staff member
May 4, 2010
How about now? Still getting the warning?


Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
For the first time I just received a threat warning .this as an UNSAFE site. Complete with danger to personal info, financials etc etc. I am running Win10/IE with no other security. This warning returned me to "home." Real or not a problem.....? ADMINISTRATORS PLEASE COMMENT

If you do nothing else stop using Internet Explorer/Edge. It is the absolute least secure browser out there.


Lawn Pro
Apr 26, 2012
I run a top of the line $5000,00 fire wall for Clients of mine. And guess what Operating System is the most exploited at this day and time? It not Microsoft. Mac users think they can't get viruses or malware and they are completely wrong. Hundreds of thousands of them are out there infecting Mac's all over the world. No one has good protection software for MAC's because it can't happen to a Mac. Only the pampas think they are not vulnerable if the own a MAC. Just the cold hard facts.


Lawn Royalty
Nov 29, 2014
I know it was only a numbers thing.
Why bother fleecing the 3% when you can fleece the other 95%.
And I am running linux on my macs if you are interested through a double firewal.
The servers run unix again through heavy firewalls with some custom softwear to check the integretity of every machine that trys to connect.

Every one is vunerable and if every one made just a little effort we could knock 99% of the nusiance and about 50% of the professional hackers off the net.
At a bike meeting reciently out of 300 people from all occupations only 12 had actually changed the password on their modems from the default "pass or password".
Even worse was about 1/2 of them were unaware they they could. ( never read the manual )
The really frightening bit was how many had fallen for the "bail me out scam", nearly a dozen.
Then there are the clowns who think that they are safe if they use encription softwear and don't understand that it only works when they are logged out.
Almost no one turns their desk tops off and very few of these use the idle log out feature.

I was in a appartment on the outskirts of the Sydney CBD one time with a friend who does home computer cleaning.
He opened his wi-fi network selection window and got 3 full screens worth of available networks available for him to log into.
What was unbelievable a goodly proportion of these were business computers from one of the adjacent office blocks.
We spent about an hour trolling around other peoples computers. It was all there , names addresses , banking details and of course he showed me how easy it was to hack into password managers and obtain all their passwords.
It was a real eye opener and the next week the independant routers went into the systems and wires replaced all of the wi-fi except for the printers.
Now that was a long time ago but a lesson learned and never forgotten.