Recent content by SueHender

  1. SueHender

    OPE movers and shakers

    Briggs making moves from Wisconsin to Alabama, huh? Change is the only constant, right? Best of luck to them in their new digs. And big shoutout to Dixie Chopper for snagging that Coateville IN spot – hope the transition goes smoothly! Sad news for Jasper IN with Stens closing shop, but hey...
  2. SueHender

    Is there money to be made by working?

    I think in retirement you just need to relax and not think about how to make money
  3. SueHender

    Cub Cadet RZTS 54 Steering Alignment

    I used to have a model very similar to the Cub Cadet RZT 54 in all characteristics and I also had a problem with the deviation slightly more than you have. It was somewhere 5-7 degrees, for sure. After the inspection, I realized that this is not a mechanical problem and you need to look for the...